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“Create with care, standard management”

  • Company Vision

    Build the company into a domestic and international first-class modern enterprise specialized in processing and producing high-strength fasteners for steel structures

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  • Company mission

    Provide customers with high-quality products and the best service ...

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    Provide customers with high-quality products and best service

    Provide employees with a better working and living environment

    Improve employees' comprehensive quality and mental outlook

    Improve and perfect company system and production system

    Repay the society and take more responsibility for the society

    Make the enterprise develop continuously and move forward steadily

  • Company team awareness

    Work together with one heart and one mind; unite and advance together

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  • Company Management Overview

    Quality management according to American standard, German standard, Japanese standard, British standard and national standard

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  • Company business philosophy

    Absorb creativity, pursue excellence, honesty and trustworthiness

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  • Company values

    Integrity-based, aggressive and striving for excellence

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